intel celeron g1820 cm8064601483405 2.7 2m tray s1150 (cpu family name-celeron model number-g1820 clock speed-2700 mhz number of cores-2 qpi-5.0 gt s cache-2mb socket-lga1150 wattage-53 watts core name-haswell instruction sets and features:mmx-ye

В наличии
4 277 р.

intel celeron g1820 cm8064601483405 2.7/2m tray s1150 (cpu family name-celeron/ model number-g1820/ clock speed-2700 mhz/ number of cores-2/ qpi-5.0 gt/s/ cache-2mb/ socket-lga1150/ wattage-53 watts/ core name-haswell/ instruction sets and features:mmx-yes,sse-yes,sse2-yes,sse3-yes,eist-yes,xd-yes,em64t-yes,vt-yes,sse4-yes/ gpu model-hd/ gpu clock-350 mhz/ packing type-oem/ unit brutto volume-7e-005 cubm/ unit net weight-0.03 kg/ unit gross weight-0.04 kg/ parameter level-3) cm8064601483405sr1cn Потребуется предоплата Возможен самовывоз. Есть доставка. Доставка: 400.0RUR

Закажите intel celeron g1820 cm8064601483405 2.7 2m tray s1150 (cpu family name-celeron model number-g1820 clock speed-2700 mhz number of cores-2 qpi-5.0 gt s cache-2mb socket-lga1150 wattage-53 watts core name-haswell instruction sets and features:mmx-ye у компании Стор-спб в России на портале Alloy:

  • intel celeron g1820 cm8064601483405 2.7 2m tray s1150 (cpu family name-celeron model number-g1820 clock speed-2700 mhz number of cores-2 qpi-5.0 gt s cache-2mb socket-lga1150 wattage-53 watts core name-haswell instruction sets and features:mmx-ye в каталоге Компьютеры на базе процессоров Intel в России;
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  • intel celeron g1820 cm8064601483405 2.7 2m tray s1150 (cpu family name-celeron model number-g1820 clock speed-2700 mhz number of cores-2 qpi-5.0 gt s cache-2mb socket-lga1150 wattage-53 watts core name-haswell instruction sets and features:mmx-ye по выгодной цене 4 277 р. руб.;
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